8/6/24 |
High School Open House
Wed. |
8/7/24 |
In 1st Period Only:
- Discuss school forms that need to be filled out
- Assign lockers
- Look at and discuss the school website, the bell schedule, and the school handbook
- Watch and discuss videos on school safety and community service hours
Thurs. |
8/8/24 |
- Laptop or other device
- Pencil (or pen) and paper
- Excitement and anticipation for a great year! :)
In Class:
- Introduce grammar book
- Grammar work explained
- Set up TurnItIn.com accounts (except 5th period)
- Grammar: p. 53-56: Ex. 5-6 (Due Fri.)
Complete the grammar work in the EOLang book. See the pages in the right sidebar. Record your answers on paper. As we continue with the grammar work, you can simply add exercises to the same page. You will not have to do each grammar assignment on a separate page. It might help if you keep your work in a separate notebook. We will check work at the beginning of the next class.
Fri. |
Seating chart day! (Sit where you want to stay)
- Grammar: p. 53-56: Ex. 5-6
In Class:
- Set up TurnItIn.com accounts (5th period only)
- Introductory letter assigned
- Work on your introductory letter (due next Fri.)
Tues. |
8/13/24 |
In Class:
- Baseline diagnostic test
- Work on introductory letter. Try to have it completed by Wed./Thurs.
- Work on the grammar assignment (below)
- Grammar: p. 58-60: Ex. 7, Rev. A
Wed./ Thurs. |
- Grammar: p. 58-60: Ex. 7, Rev. A
- Digital copy of your introductory letter
In Class:
- Check grammar
- Format letters in class
- Discuss summer reading test, your discussion questions, and socratic seminar
- Introductory Letter submitted to TurnItIn.com before class on Friday
- Study for the Lord of the Flies (LotF) summer reading test: Study Guide
- Revised summer reading questions (you will not turn these in today, but you should have revised them by today)
Fri. |
8/16/24 |
- Introductory Letter submitted to TurnItIn.com before class
- Study for the Lord of the Flies (LotF) summer reading test: Study Guide
- Revised summer reading questions (you will not turn these in today, but you should have revised them by today)
In Class:
- Summer Reading Assessment 1:
LotF Content Test (multiple choice, matching, true-false)
- Discuss Socratic Seminar
- Review Verbs and Adverbs
- Grammar: Verbs: p. 63-66: Ex. 11, 14, 15; Adverbs p. 69-72: Ex. 18, 20, 21 (due Monday: I'll give you 10 minutes in class to finish up)
Tues. |
8/20/24 |
- Grammar: Verbs: p. 63-66: Ex. 11, 14, 15; Adverbs p. 69-72: Ex. 18, 20, 21 (I'll give you 10 minutes in class to finish up)
In Class:
- Library orientation
- Check grammar
- Discuss Socratic Seminar
- Prepare for LotF Socratic Seminar
- Submit your summer work questions (and 1 answer) to TurnItIn.com BEFORE class. The assignment is titled "LoTF Socratic Seminar Prep" on turnitin.
Wed./ Thurs. |
8/22/24 |
- Prepare for LotF Socratic Seminar
- Submit your summer work questions (and 1 answer) to TurnItIn.com BEFORE class. The assignment is titled "LoTF Socratic Seminar Prep" on turnitin.
In Class:
- Summer Reading Assessment 2: LotF Socratic Seminar
- Grammar: p. 73-79: Rev. B, Ex. 23, 25
Fri. |
8/23/24 |
In Class:
- Read Mythology chapter 1, and begin working on the study questions.
You will need to type up your answers in a Word document (to submit to TurnItIn.com).
- Use the MLA style you used for your introductory letter as you type these up: heading, title, font, font size, double spacing.
Note! Do not treat these Mythology questions lightly. You must answer in complete sentences, and restate the question in your answer so that anyone could read your answer and know what you are talking about. Read the directions carefully. Also, this will not be a simple completion grade. I will be grading on your understanding of the reading, so I am looking for correct answers (not necessarily LONG answers--try to be concise), and I'm looking to see that you follow directions.
- The Mythology reading is posted here and in the sidebar. The password is the same password you use for the grammar book documents. I will continue to post the readings on the website, but as we continue in the Mythology book this semester, you will want to purchase your own copy or use the one I check out to you.
Tues. |
8/27/24 |
- Grammar: p. 73-79: Rev. B, Ex. 23, 25
In Class:
- Receive myPerspectives textbook
- Check grammar and discuss grammar test
Thurs. |
8/29/24 |
- Myth Chap. 1 questions submitted to TurnItIn.com before class (see directions above posted on Fri., 8/23)
- Review your questions and be ready to discuss them in class.
- Grammar: p. 81-84: Ex. 27, Chapter Review Ex. A-C
In Class:
- Check grammar
- Sign up for Vocabulary.com and join your class
- Begin discussion of literary terms and short stories
- Study for the grammar test on Chapter 1: Parts of Speech
- Read "The Seventh Man": p. 132-145 in myPerspectives Vol. 1 (Due Tues./Wed.)
Read the story, use the comprehension questions to review your reading (but you will NOT be turning these in), read "Analyze Craft and Structure" on page 147 (know what a frame story is), and know the "Concept Vocabulary" and "Word Study" on page 148.
- Be ready for a quiz over the reading on Tues./Wed.
Fri. |
8/30/24 |
In Class:
- Grammar Test: Chapter 1: Parts of Speech
- Finish Reading "The Seventh Man": p. 132-145 in myPerspectives Vol. 1 (Due Tues./Wed.)
Read the story, use the comprehension questions to review your reading (but you will NOT be turning these in), read "Analyze Craft and Structure" on page 147 (know what a frame story is), and know the "Concept Vocabulary" and "Word Study" on page 148.
- Be ready for a quiz over the reading on Tues./Wed.
Mon. |
9/2/24 |
Wed. |
9/4/24 |
- Finish Reading "The Seventh Man": p. 132-145 in myPerspectives Vol. 1 (Due Tues./Wed.)
Read the story, use the comprehension questions to review your reading (but you will NOT be turning these in), read "Analyze Craft and Structure" on page 147 (know what a frame story is), and know the "Concept Vocabulary" and "Word Study" on page 148.
In Class:
- Quiz: "The Seventh Man"
- Discuss plot elements in "The Seventh Man"
- Grammar: p. 93-97: Rev. A, Ex. 7, 8, 9
Fri. |
9/6/24 |
- Grammar: p. 93-97: Rev. A, Ex. 7, 8, 9
In Class:
- Check grammar
- Take notes on character types
- Grammar: p. 98-101: Ex. 11, 12, Rev. B
- Read "The Most Dangerous Game." We will have a quiz on Mon./Tues.
It is available in the online textbook, or you can access it here.
Tues. |
9/10/24 |
- Grammar: p. 98-101: Ex. 11, 12, Rev. B
- Finish reading "The Most Dangerous Game." It is available in the online textbook, or you can access it here.
In Class:
- Quiz: "The Most Dangerous Game"
- Identify and discuss the climax and other plot elements of "The Most Dangerous Game"
- Grammar: p. 102-106: Ex. 14, 16, 18
- Read Setting, Mood, and Imagery
- Complete the practice exercise for the list assigned on Vocabulary.com (Optional)
Remember to log in through Clever!
- Read "The Cask of Amontillado" (Due Wed./Thurs.)
(vocabulary will be included on the quiz).
Answer the following questions on your own paper:
(1) What is the climax of the story?
(2) Is the main character static or dynamic? Flat or round?
(3) What is the setting of the story? Be sure to describe how it changes.
(4) How does the mood change as the setting changes?
(5) What is a theme of the story?
Thurs. |
9/12/24 |
- Grammar: p. 102-106: Ex. 14, 16, 18
- Read Setting, Mood, and Imagery
- Complete the practice exercise for the list assigned on Vocabulary.com (Optional)
Remember to log in through Clever!
- Read "The Cask of Amontillado" (Due Wed./Thurs.)
(vocabulary will be included on the quiz).
Answer the following questions on your own paper:
(1) What is the climax of the story?
(2) Is the main character static or dynamic? Flat or round?
(3) What is the setting of the story? Be sure to describe how it changes.
(4) How does the mood change as the setting changes?
(5) What is a theme of the story?
In Class:
- Grammar: p. 107-110: Ex. 19, Rev. C, Rev. D, Ex. 20
Fri. |
9/13/24 |
- Grammar: p. 107-110: Ex. 19, Rev. C, Rev. D, Ex. 20
In Class:
- Check grammar
- Review for grammar test
- Grammar: p. 111-113: Chapter 2 Review: Ex. A-D (for exercises B and C, ignore the directions. For these exercises, find the simple subject, the simple predicate, and any complements in each sentence.)
- Study for the grammar test on Chapter 2: Parts of the Sentence
- To help you study, complete the optional Grammar assignments: extra review (key) and other practice in sidebar
Wed. |
9/18/24 |
- Study for the grammar test on Chapter 2: Parts of the Sentence
- To help you study, complete the optional Grammar assignments: extra review (key) and other practice in sidebar
In Class:
- Grammar Test: Chapter 2: Parts of the Sentence
- Read "The Scarlet Ibis" (no vocabulary will be on the quiz)
- On your own paper, analyze the story for setting, POV, climax, character types, symbols, irony, and theme.
Tues. |
9/17/24 |
NO SCHOOL: Teacher Administrative Day |
Fri. |
9/20/24 |
- Read "The Scarlet Ibis" (no vocabulary will be on the quiz)
- On your own paper, analyze the story for setting, POV, climax, character types, symbols, irony, and theme.
In Class:
- Review grammar test
- Quiz: "The Scarlet Ibis"
- Small group and class discussion: applying literary terms to short stories and supporting answers with textual evidence
- Discuss upcoming short story test
In Class:
- Begin studing for the short story unit test. You need to study all of your notes from class about literary terms. See the notes I posted in the sidebar to help you study. You need to not only be able to recognize the definitions of the terms, but you must also be able to define them yourself and apply them to examples I give you. You will not need to study any of the stories that we have read. I will not ask you about those stories on the test.
- Read "The Open Window" and analyze the story the way we have in class. Focus especially on setting, character types, climax, point-of-view, irony, symbols, and theme.
Thurs. |
9/26/24 |
- Read "The Open Window" and analyze the story the way we have in class. Focus especially on setting, character types, climax, point-of-view, irony, symbols, and theme.
In Class:
- Study for the first part of the unit test. It will be multiple choice, matching, and a few short answer. You need to study all of your notes from class about literary terms. See the notes I posted in the sidebar to help you study. You need to not only be able to recognize the definitions of the terms, but you must also be able to define them yourself and apply them to examples I give you. You will not need to study any of the stories that we have read. I will not ask you about those stories on the test.
- Finish the Vocabulary.com assignment for Part 1 of Hamilton's Mythology. You only have to complete the practice exercises. You are NOT required to achieve mastery on the entire list. This assignment is due before school tomorrow.
Fri. |
9/27/24 |
- Vocabulary.com assignment for Part 1 of Hamilton's Mythology. You only have to complete the practice exercises. You are NOT required to achieve mastery on the entire list. This assignment is due before school.
In Class:
- Unit Test Part 1: Literary Terms
- Continue to review for part 2 of the literary analysis test by discussing "The Open Window"
- Study for the literary analysis test.
Mon. |
9/30/24 |
PSAT Review Day |
Wed. |
10/2/24 |
In Class:
- Unit Test Part 2: Literary Analysis
Thurs. |
10/3/24 |
8-period schedule
- Bring your copy of Hamilton's Mythology to class.
In Class:
- Read the Foreword and Introduction to Edith Hamilton's Mythology and answer the study questions. Do not treat these questions lightly. You must answer in complete sentences, and restate the question in your answer so that anyone could read your answer and know what you are talking about with seeing the question. Read the directions carefully. Also, this will not be a completion grade. I will be grading on your understanding of the reading, so I am looking for correct answers, and I'm looking to see that you followed directions.
NOTE: Your answers should be typed, and you should follow MLA format. I will count off for incorrect heading, spacing, font, etc.
(However, I DO want you to number your answers so that I can see which question you are answering. You do not need to format your answers as paragraphs.)
Another piece of advice: Don't simply try to hunt for the answers. Trying to skip the reading often leads to wrong answers, plus you miss the context of what is being discussed. The questions are arranged in order as you read, so read carefully and answer the questions as you go.
This assignment is not due until before school on Thursday, October 17. Submit it to TurnItIn.com.
Fri. |
10/4/24 |
Spirit Day/Pig-Out
End of Quarter 1 |
Mon.-Fri. |
10/11/24 |
10/14/24 &
In Class:
- Introduce grammar chapter 3: The Phrase
- Continue to read the Foreword and Introduction to Edith Hamilton's Mythology and answer the study questions. Do not treat these questions lightly. You must answer in complete sentences, and restate the question in your answer so that anyone could read your answer and know what you are talking about with seeing the question. Read the directions carefully. Also, this will not be a completion grade. I will be grading on your understanding of the reading, so I am looking for correct answers, and I'm looking to see that you followed directions.
NOTE: Your answers should be typed, and you should follow MLA format. I will count off for incorrect heading, spacing, font, etc.
(However, I DO want you to number your answers so that I can see which question you are answering. You do not need to format your answers as paragraphs.)
Another piece of advice: Don't simply try to hunt for the answers. Trying to skip the reading often leads to wrong answers, plus you miss the context of what is being discussed. The questions are arranged in order as you read, so read carefully and answer the questions as you go.
This assignment is not due until before school on Thursday, October 17. Submit it to TurnItIn.com.
- Grammar: Read EOLang p. 115-118 about phrases. Complete exercises 2, 3, and Rev. B: pages 118-121. Due Thurs./Fri.
- Continue working on Mythology Foreword and Introduction reading and study questions. Due Thurs. 10/17 to TurnItIn.com by 8am.
Tues. |
10/15/24 |
8-period schedule: ACT Cert for high school: No class |
Fri. |
10/18/24 |
Due for Class:
- Grammar: Read EOLang p. 115-118 about phrases. Complete exercises 2, 3, and Rev. B: pages 118-121. Due Thurs./Fri.
Due Before School on Thursday, Oct. 17:
- Read the Foreword and Introduction to Edith Hamilton's Mythology and answer the study questions. Do not treat these questions lightly. You must answer in complete sentences, and restate the question in your answer so that anyone could read your answer and know what you are talking about with seeing the question. Read the directions carefully. Also, this will not be a completion grade. I will be grading on your understanding of the reading, so I am looking for correct answers, and I'm looking to see that you followed directions.
NOTE: Your answers should be typed, and you should follow MLA format. I will count off for incorrect heading, spacing, font, etc.
(However, I DO want you to number your answers so that I can see which question you are answering. You do not need to format your answers as paragraphs.)
Another piece of advice: Don't simply try to hunt for the answers. Trying to skip the reading often leads to wrong answers, plus you miss the context of what is being discussed. The questions are arranged in order as you read, so read carefully and answer the questions as you go.
Submit it to TurnItIn.com.
In Class:
- EOLang p. 122: Rev. C (Due Mon./Tues.)
- Read about the upcoming Mythology projects: Myth Project Directions, Myth Project Rubric. Look through the Myth Project Topics to decide on what topics you would like to do. We will start signing up for topics on Mon./Tues.
- Finish Mythology Chapter 2: "The Two Great Gods of Earth": Study Questions (due Mon./Tues.). Submit to TurnItIn.com. NOTE: Use the following handout to answer #2: Mythology: Recurring Topics
- Begin Mythology Chapters 3-4: "How the World and Mankind were Created" and
"The Earliest Heroes": Study Questions due next Thurs./Fri.
- Study class notes for test over the Olympians (Thurs./Fri.) Remember, spelling counts, and there will be no word bank!
Tues. |
10/22/24 |
Tuesday 10/22: Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:15-6:00: Please email me to set up a time to meet.
In Class:
- Check grammar
- Discuss student mythology projects and presentations. Begin signing up for topics.
- Finish Olympians notes (test over these notes Thurs./Fri.)
- Discuss Mythology Chapter 2
- Finish Mythology Chapters 3-4: "How the World and Mankind were Created" and
"The Earliest Heroes": Study Questions due Thurs./Fri. Submit to TurnItIn.com
- Study class notes for test over the Olympians. Remember, spelling counts, and there will be no word bank!
- Sign up for presentation topic. Everyone should be signed up for a topic by Thursday.
No Class: PSAT
8-period schedule after the test |
Fri. |
10/25/24 |
- Finish Mythology Chapters 3-4: "How the World and Mankind were Created" and
"The Earliest Heroes": Study Questions. Submit to TurnItIn.com
- Study class notes for test over the Olympians. Remember, spelling counts, and there will be no word bank!
- Sign up for presentation topic. Everyone should be signed up for a topic by Thursday.
In Class:
- Test: The Olympians
Remember, spelling counts, and there will be no word bank!
- Discuss Mythology Chapters 3-4
- Discuss and work on presentations
Tues. |
10/29/24 |
In Class:
- Presentations: Mythology Chapters 3-4
- Study for prepositional phrase quiz
- Read Mythology Chapters 5-6: "Cupid and Psyche" and "Eight Brief Tales of Lovers" (Due Friday)
Quiz on Friday over "Cupid and Psyche" and:
1. Pyramus and Thisbe
2. Orpheus and Eurydice
3. Pygmalion and Galatea
4. Baucis and Philemon
5. Daphne
(The other stories in Chapter 6 will not be on the quiz, but you still need to read them.) |
Thurs. |
10/31/24 |
In Class:
- Quiz: Prepositional Phrases
- Presentations: Mythology Chapters 5-6
Fri. |
- EOLang p. 124: Ex. 4
- Mythology Chapters 5-6: "Cupid and Psyche" and "Eight Brief Tales of Lovers"
Quiz today over "Cupid and Psyche" and:
1. Pyramus and Thisbe
2. Orpheus and Eurydice
3. Pygmalion and Galatea
4. Baucis and Philemon
5. Daphne
(The other stories in Chapter 6 will not be on the quiz, but you still need to read them.)
In Class:
- Quiz: Chapters 5-6
- Begin Presentations: Mythology Chapters 7-8
- EOLang p. 126: Ex. 6 & Rev. D
- Reading and questions: Mythology Chapters 7-8: "The Quest for the Golden Fleece" and "Four Great Adventures." Due Mon./Wed.
- Begin reading Mythology Chapters 9-12 (Due next Thurs./Fri.)
Wed. |
11/4/24 &
11/6/24 |
- EOLang p. 126: Ex. 6 & Rev. D
- Reading and questions: Mythology Chapters 7-8: "The Quest for the Golden Fleece" and "Four Great Adventures."
In Class:
- Presentations: Mythology Chapters 7-9
- EOLang p. 128-130: Ex. 7, 8
- Read Mythology Chapters 9-12: Due Thurs./Fri.
- Mythology Chapter 9-12: "Perseus," "Theseus," "Hercules," and "Atalanta" (Quiz Thurs./Fri.)
Tues. |
11/5/24 |
NO SCHOOL: Teacher Administrative Day |
Fri. |
11/8/24 |
- EOLang p. 128-130: Ex. 7, 8
- Mythology Chapter 9-12: "Perseus," "Theseus," "Hercules," and "Atalanta"
In Class:
- Quiz: Chapter 9-12: "Perseus," "Theseus," "Hercules," and "Atalanta"
- Check grammar
- Presentations: Mythology Chapters 9-12
- EOLang p. 130: Rev. E (Due Wed./Thurs.)
- Study questions: Mythology Chapters 13-14: "The Trojan War" and "The Fall of Troy" (Due Mon./Tues. on paper)
Tues. |
11/12/24 |
In Class:
- Read chapters 17-19 and complete study questions: Mythology Chapters 17-19: "The Great Families of Mythology" OR study for a quiz. On Fri., you will EITHER turn in the study questions at the beginning of class, OR you will take a quiz. Decide and be ready at the beginning of class.
- Finish EOLang p. 130: Rev. E
Thurs. |
11/14/24 |
- EOLang p. 130: Rev. E (KEY)
In Class:
- Check grammar: EOLang p. 130: Rev. E (KEY)
- Presentations: Mythology Chapters 17-18 (and any others we need to catch up)
- EOLang p. 131: Ex. 9
- Continue reading chapters 17-19 and complete study questions: Mythology Chapters 17-19: "The Great Families of Mythology" OR study for a quiz. On Fri., you will EITHER turn in the study questions at the beginning of class, OR you will take a quiz. Decide and be ready at the beginning of class.
Fri. |
- EOLang p. 131: Ex. 9
- Read chapters 17-19 and complete study questions: Mythology Chapters 17-19: "The Great Families of Mythology" OR study for a quiz. On Fri., you will EITHER turn in the study questions at the beginning of class, OR you will take a quiz. Decide and be ready at the beginning of class.
In Class:
- Presentations: Mythology Chapters 17-18 (and any others we need to catch up)
- Read To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) Chap. 1-5 (Quiz next Wed/Thurs)
- EOLang p. 133-34: Ex. 10-11
- Bring MyPerspectives volume 1 to class on Monday
Tues. |
11/19/24 |
- Bring MyPerspectives volume 1 to class
- EOLang p. 133-34: Ex. 10-11
In Class:
- Check grammar
- Finish any remaining presentations
- Take notes on rhetoric and analyze a speech
- EOLang p. 134-37: Rev. F-G, Ex. 12
- Continue reading TKAM Chap. 1-5
Thurs. |
11/21/24 |
- Bring MyPerspectives volume 1 to class
- TKAM Chap. 1-5
- EOLang p. 134-37: Rev. F-G, Ex. 12
In Class:
- Quiz: TKAM Chaps. 1-5
- Check grammar and review for grammar test
- Discuss TKAM/Work on rhetorical analysis
- Study for GRAMMAR TEST by doing the following exercises:
✔EOLang p.137: Rev. H (key)
✔Chapter 3 Study Guide and Extra Practice
(Practice Key, Chart Key)
✔Prepositional Phrases: Extra Practice
✔Participial Phrases: Extra Practice (key)
✔Gerund Phrases: Extra Practice
✔Infinitive Phrases: Extra Practice
✔Appositive Phrases: Extra Practice
✔Verbal Phrases: Extra Practice 1 (key)
✔All Phrases: Extra Practice 2
- Extra grammar practice (optional): EOLang p. 114-115: Diagnostic Preview (key)
- Optional extra practice (I do not have the key for this): EOLang p. 139-141: Chapter Review #1-30, #31-45 (For this part, in addition to the instructions, label how it functions in the sentence: ADJ, ADV, SUB, DO, IO, OP, PN)
- Read TKAM Chapters 6-11 (Quiz Mon./Tues. over Chapters 6-11)
Fri. |
11/22/24 |
- Study for GRAMMAR TEST (see review exercises above)
In Class:
- Grammar Test: Chapter 3: The Phrase
- Read TKAM Chapters 6-11 (Quiz Mon./Tues. over Chapters 6-11)
- Bring MyPerspectives volume 1 to class
Tues. |
11/29/24 |
Tues. |
12/3/24 |
- Bring MyPerspectives volume 1 to class
- TKAM Chapters 6-11
In Class:
- Quiz: TKAM Chaps. 6-11
- Lesson on parallelism, semicolons, and colons
Thurs. |
In Class:
- Complete handout: TKAM Tone 1
- Continue reading. TKAM Chaps. 12-22 (Due Mon./Tues.)
- EOLang p. 347-52: Rev. B and C, Ex. 3, Rev. D
Fri. |
8-period schedule
- Bring MyPerspectives volume 1 to class
- EOLang p. 347-52: Rev. B and C, Ex. 3, Rev. D
- Complete handout: TKAM Tone 1
In Class:
- Check grammar and tone worksheet 1
Tues. |
12/10/24 |
- Bring MyPerspectives volume 1 to class
- TKAM Chapters 12-22
In Class:
- Quiz: TKAM Chaps. 12-22
- Begin reading "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" and answer rhetorical analysis questions.
- Begin working on tone worksheet 2
Thurs. |
12/12/24 |
- Study for test over Parallel Structure, Colons, and Semicolons
- TKAM tone worksheet 2
In Class:
- Test: Parallel Structure, Colons, and Semicolons
- Check and discuss tone worksheet 2
- Discuss TKAM and "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
- Finish reading TKAM 23-31. Prepare for quiz on the following days (1st and 7th Period: Due Friday, 12/13; 3rd Period: Due Monday, 12/16; 5th Period: Due Tuesday, 12/17). Quiz will include questions about tone and figures of speech.
- Complete the Practice Midterm. Bring your answer and any questions you have to class. For our review time, we will discuss questions from the test. The password is cms2021.
Fri. |
Mid-Term Review: 1st & 2nd Periods
Schedule: 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th |
Mon. |
12/16/24 |
Mid-Term Review: 3rd & 4th Periods
MID-TERM EXAMS: 1st & 2nd Periods
Schedule: 4th, 1st, 3rd, 2nd |
Tues. |
12/17/24 |
Mid-Term Review: 5th & 6th Periods
MID-TERM EXAMS: 3rd & 4th Periods
Schedule: 5th, 3rd, 6th, 4th |
Wed. |
12/18/24 |
Mid-Term Review: 7th & 8th Periods
MID-TERM EXAMS: 5th & 6th Periods
Schedule: 8th, 5th, 7th, 6th |
Thurs. |
12/19/24 |
MID-TERM EXAMS: 7th & 8th Periods
Schedule: 7th, 8th, 3rd, 4th |
Fri. |
12/20/24 |
Schedule: 1st, 2nd